🚨 Uplifting news alert

Stories to make you smile from Happilynews.com

Hey 👋 It’s the team behind Happilynews.com - your go-to good news source. Thanks for subscribing to our weekly newsletter! We’re making it our mission to share the most uplifting, heartwarming and inspirational stories that the mainstream media isn’t covering right now. This is the first of a new weekly mailshot to our faithful followers. So, without further ado, here’s a sneak peek at what we have in store this week:

🎤 Plane passengers serenade birthday girl with Down syndrome

🎖️ Military vet reunites with Vietnam daughter - and gets to walk her down the aisle

🍕 Pizza makes everything better, right? Even politics it seems…


Let’s jump right in…

Quick Lifts 😃

Heartwarming human interest stories from Happilynews.com guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Julian crying after being surprised with a car

Once Julian turned 18, he began saving to reach his ultimate goal of purchasing his first-ever vehicle. But after missing out on his dream car, his mom stepped up.

Great-grandpa Ray was overcome with emotion when he met the newest member of his family…only to discover a name tag reading: Decker Ray d’Adesky.

Grace Reber, 24, was overjoyed when her fellow passengers serenaded her during a flight from Oklahoma to Los Angeles. Grace, an accomplished artist, was on her way to a conference celebrating moms of individuals with Down syndrome and special needs when the heartwarming gesture occurred.

Happy Headlines of the Week 📰

It’s not all doom and gloom. Here’s some positive news items from around the world.

Before You Go…a Video Worth Sharing

This week we’ve got an upbeat, two-part mini-doc from the video team at Happilynews.com

50 Years Later, Vietnam Veteran Walks Daughter He Never Knew Existed Down The Aisle

Part 1 - the reunion moment:

Part 2 - fulfilling his wish to walk her down the aisle:

That’s it for this week. How did you find Smileworthy? Hit reply and let us know what you liked (or didn’t) and what you’d like to see us feature in the future.

And don’t forget to share with your friends and family to brighten their day, too.

Have a great weekend!

~ Team Happily 😊